Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Losing One's Taste

Fallacy: We lose our sense of taste whenever we catch a cold.

Fact: The most frequent complaint from people suffering from a cold is that they have lost their sense of taste. This, of course, is incorrect. Laboratory tests of such people have shown that their taste buds are functioning normally. What then must then be the underlying cause for their complaints?
Taste and smell are two senses closely, related. Many times we often label as taste what really is smell. This is not surprising , though. When food is in the mouth, its odors pass through the nasopharynx, the link between the nasal and oral cavities, to the receptors of smell.
Most people are not aware that the olfactory system is thousands of times more sensitive to odor than the taste system is to flavors. So, when the nasal passages are blocked by a cold, it may seem as if the ability to taste has been lost. Actually, what is missing is the smell of the food that is being eaten


Fallacy: Mouthwash can cure bad breath.

Fact: Mouthwash does not remove the causes of bad breath. It can only mask the odor.
There are many possible sources of bad breath, it may be caused by decaying teeth, trapped particles of stale food, infections of the nasal cavity or lungs, uncontrolled diabetes, or eating foods rich in garlic and onions.
To avoid bad breath, it is important that an individual maintain proper oral hygiene. Regularly brushing and flossing after meals, eating the right kind of food, and regular visits to the dentists are effective measures

Sore Eyes

Fallacy: Sore eyes can be treated with mother's milk.

Fact: Despite the many innovations in science, some people still cling to old beliefs and practices. They can't easily accept that most of those beliefs were just mostly based on coincidence, usually brought about by the ignorance and gullibility of old folk. One such practice is the use of mother's milk instead of a doctor's-prescribe medicine to treat sore eyes. The milk is obtained from a lactating mother, into a dropper, then apply regularly on eyes. However, ophthalmologists (physician that specialize in the diseases of the eye) say that each regimen just pose more harm than cure.
Sore eyes or red eyes or in the medical term, conjunctivitis, in the inflammation of conjunctiva due to infection, allergy, mechanical irritation. Conjunctiva is the mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of the eyelids and forepart of the eyeballs.

Milk is a fluid secreted by the mammary glands of females for the nourishment of their young. Mother's milk is prescribed for babies up to 2 years because it contains essential nutrients and antibodies. However., there is no scientific evidence that mother's milk has components potent enough to kill conjunctivitis-causing microorganisms. Usually a physician will prescribe chloramphenicol or any anti infective eye drops as medication for sore eyes.
So next time you catch the red eyes don't go looking for a lactating mother. It is more advisable to get the res out by visiting an ophthalmologists
