Monday, May 19, 2008

Dairy Diet and Lactose Intolerance

FALLACY: Lactose-intolerant individuals should limit their dairy consumption FACT: Recent information says that this not necessarily true. Many people who think they are lactose intolerant really aren't. In fact, doctors even suggest adding dairy products to their diet to overcome the symptoms. Most symptoms occur when large quantities of lactose (such as that found in a double-decker ice cream, for example) are consumed by people who wouldn't otherwise consume dairy products. The symptoms occur because most of these individuals lack sufficient quantities of the lactose-metabolizing enzyme called lactase.
The hope lies in the bacteria naturally found within the intestines, which can also help the break down of milk sugars. Those bacteria can be conditioned to actively you only need to get sufficient dairy products in you diet.
However, lactose intolerance should not be confused with gastrointestinal milk allergy. The latter results from a sensitivity to milk, and usually to the milk protein betalactoglobulin. The disease shows up during early infancy.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


FALLACY: There is nothing wrong with snoring.

FACT: Loud snoring associated with gasping, choking, pauses in breathing and sudden awakening are symptoms of sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea syndromes are group of serious sleep disorders marked by repeated stops in breathing while a person is sleeping. These stops are long enough to dramatically decrease the amount of oxygen and increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. There are two types of sleep apnea: obstructive and central. The former occur when the throat or the upper airway is blocked while the latter occur as a result of a dysfunction in the brain part that controls breathing.
In some cases, a prolonged imbalance of oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood results in a decreased sensitivity of the brain. In this case, the obstructive sleep apnea is coupled with central sleep apnea. Persons who have observed the symptoms mentioned above must not take them for granted. In the long run, sleep apnea can cause disruptions in a person's daytime functions and a increase in complications. Headache, excessive daytime sleepiness, slowed mental activity, heart failure and pulmonary insufficiency are some of the major complications.

Is Cough is Desease?

FALLACY: Cough is a disease.

FACT: Cough is the sound produced by the sudden explosion of air through the mouth. The sudden expulsion of air forces out whatever it is that causes irrtitation. Cough is not a disease. It is a symptom of various kinds of disease that affect the breathing apparatus. The sensation that there is something in the throat that has to be removed is called dry cough. Wet cough, on the other hand, involves phlegm. Expectorants can help liquefy mucus while honey can soothe irritated throat. We cough for a good purpose, which is why it must not be stopped. To prevent spread of infection, however, the mouth must be covered with a handkerchief or towel when coughing with your mouth closed cause irritation.
